Gibbon Multimedia Apps

Roberts Bird Guide 2 2.3
Southern Africa's most comprehensive birding app.
Pizzey & Knight Birds of Aus 1.5
Gibbon Multimedia
The PIZZEY AND KNIGHT BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA DIGITAL EDITION forAndroidis a comprehensive and interactive application thatcombinesmultimedia data on over 900 Australian bird species withseveninteractive modules for every aspect of mobile birding*. Theapp canbe used as a FIELD GUIDE (like the book) or as a BIRD LIST,withessential functions such as view bird page, play the sound,add toyour list and view similar birds available directly in both.TheFIELD GUIDE displays the full field guide pages of the book.You canbrowse the pages and identify a bird, play the sound, addto yourlist, and open the Bird Page for further detail. The BIRDGUIDEincludes a full bird list and individual BIRD PAGES for over900Australian bird species, with illustrations, speciestext,distribution maps, photographs and sounds. The BIRD LISTincludesall the new species and new names, with functions for BirdPage,Play Sound, Add to List, Similar Birds and Field Guide Page.Youcan also select regional lists, and names from IOC,C&B,Birdlife and Clements lists. SIMILAR BIRDS loads a list ofbirdssimilar to that selected. COMPARE BIRDS displays the birdpagesside by side for direct comparison. IDENTIFICATION useslocation,habitat, bird shapes and plumage to shortlist possiblespecies foridentification. MY LOCATION is an interactive map forfinding yourcurrent location, generating bird lists for yourlocation, andlocating birding sites near you. Or tap for a newlocation, get GPSco-ords and load a bird list. Or tap a birdingsite to get a listor open the site description. MY LISTS is apersonal list managerthat includes a life list and sub-lists thatreport to your lifelist. You can also sync your lists to GoogleDrive, and exportlists for backup. Sighting details include place,date, GPSco-ords, and sighting notes. BIRDING SITES includesdescriptions of270 birding sites from around Australia, withphotos, bird list,and weather forecast. "Show on Map" loads GoogleMaps fordirections and navigation to the site. The MULTIMEDIA DATAincludes• over 250 field-guide pages • over 900 individual birdpages • allthe ‘new’ bird species and names • over 2500illustrations, 4000photos, and 700 bird sounds • colour-codeddistribution maps withseasonal status bar and endemic and red dataspecies indicated •new rare bird maps. For more detail on thePIZZEY AND KNIGHT BIRDSOF AUSTRALIA DIGITAL EDITION and to take atour of the app, pleasevisit * This app can beused in the bush andremote locations. It does not require a wifi,phone or internetconnection once it has been installed andregistered. # DIFFICULTYPURCHASING? If you have difficultypurchasing with your creditcard, you can purchase Google Play Storegift cards from majorstores.
Roberts Multimedia Birds of SA 4.1
Gibbon Multimedia
This app has been superceded. Please search for "Roberts BirdGuide2". The ROBERTS VII MULTIMEDIA BIRDS OF SOUTHERN AFRICAAndroidEdition is a comprehensive and interactive applicationthatcombines multimedia data on 968 Southern African bird specieswithseven interactive modules for every aspect of mobile birding*.Theapp can be used as a FIELD GUIDE (like the book), or as aBIRDLIST, with essential functions 'open bird page', play birdsound','add to list' and 'view similar birds' available directly ineachmodule. The FIELD GUIDE displays the full field guide pages oftheRoberts Bird Guide book for instant comparison andidentification.Use the family list or browse the pages for a bird,play the sound,add to your list, and open the BIRD PAGE for furtherdetail. TheBIRD GUIDE includes a full bird list and 968 individualBIRD PAGESwith illustrations, distribution maps, photos, birdsounds, RobertsField Guide text and the full Roberts VII text. TheBIRD LISTincludes includes all the new species and new names, withfunctionsfor Bird Page, Play Sound, Add to List, Similar Birds andFieldGuide Page. You can also select regional lists, andEnglish,Afrikaans, German, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Scientificnames.IDENTIFICATION uses your location, habitat, bird shapes andplumageto shortlist possible species for identification. You canalsoidentify bird sounds, nests and eggs. SIMILAR BIRDS loads alist ofbirds similar to that selected for comparison andidentification.COMPARE BIRDS displays the bird pages side by sidefor directcomparison. MY LOCATION is an interactive map for findingyourcurrent location, generating bird lists for your location,andlocating birding sites near you. Or drop a pin for a newlocationwith GPS co-ords, pentad and bird list. Or open a birdingsite listand site description. MY LISTS is a personal list managerthatincludes a life list and sub-lists that report to your lifelist.You can also sync your lists to iCloud, and export lists toiTunesfor backup. Sighting details include place, date, GPS co-ordsandpentad, and sighting notes. BIRDING SITES includes details of280birding sites around Southern Africa, with textdescription,photos, bird list, and weather forecast. The MULTIMEDIADATAincludes • 180 field-guide pages • 968 individual bird pages •allthe new bird species and names • 1400 illustrations • 5800photosincluding 500 nest and 700 egg photos • 920 bird sounds•colour-coded distribution maps with seasonal status bar andendemicand red data species indicated • new rare bird maps. # Thisapp canbe used in the bush and remote locations. It does notrequire awifi, phone or internet connection to operate. $DIFFICULTYPURCHASING? If you have difficulty purchasing with yourcreditcard, you can purchase Play Store gift cards from majorstores.